After a 3 month hiatus, I'm slowly making a comeback.
I'm hoping to be uploading more regularly this year as well as live-stream more often.
If you have any tutorial requests or tips and tricks you would like me to share, feel free to ask. I might even do a video version who knows. I am also open for sudjestions for demos and suttf. Feel free to throww ideas at me. (no fanart please)
Do rmeber i already have a youtube channel with some time-lapses videos of my illsutrations on there. :3
Feel free to watch if you are interested, and leave a thumbs up. I'd greatly appreaciate it.
Also I tend to be more active on tumblr, and I usually put my anouncements for livestreams on there. So if you don't want to miss anything or jsut want to follow my crazyness, make sure to follow me on there. :)